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Roco Rescue

Roco Rescue
RescueTalk™ provides leading news and information for safety and rescue professionals and is a service of Roco Rescue, Inc., who specializes in confined space rope rescue training and rescue products for first responders in industrial rescue, municipal rescue and military rescue.
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Service Life Guidelines for Rescue Gear

Friday, September 15, 2023

little boy

I miss being a kid. No smart phones, no tablets, no TikTok. Twitter was what my stomach did if a cheerleader said hello in the hall. If you wanted to go run the streets with your friends until it got dark, you only had to do one thing. Get mom to tell you to get out of the house. It was a risky game. Act obnoxious enough and she told you to go play outside. Act too obnoxious and you risk getting sent to your room. The better way was to be the good kid. In my house, it sounded something like this.

Me: (yelling from my room) “MOM, CAN I GO OUTSIDE TO RIDE MY BIKE?”

Mom: “Did you finish your homework?”

Me: “Yes.”

Mom: “Is your room clean?”

Me: “Kind of.”

Mom: “Clean your room and you can go out.”

Me: “Why do I have to clean my room?”


And there it was, the true rallying cry of our childhood…  BECAUSE I SAID SO.


Imagine if we applied that same conversation to Technical Rescue. Would it go something like this?

Rescuer: “Hey boss, can we rappel?”

Program Manager: “Have you inspected your gear?”

Rescuer: “We did that last year.”

Program Manager: “Inspect your gear and you can go rappel.”

Rescuer: “Why do we have to inspect our gear before we go rappel?”

Program Manager: “BECAUSE I SAID SO!!!!”

If only it were so easy. My mom should be the CEO of the World. Things would get done.


Today we have a multitude of resources for inspecting our equipment. These resources tell us when, who, how and how often. The myriad of guidance can sometimes make us wish mom would just send us to our room. Let’s take a look at those resources and decipher what truly needs done so we can just go rappel.

The first thing we need to know is this. Regardless of the stated service life, the condition of rescue equipment – as determined through inspection by a qualified person – is the primary factor in determining whether a piece of equipment is fit for service. Stated service life is the long game. Ongoing inspection programs are the short game that we rely on to keep our people safe.

Regardless of the stated service life, the condition of rescue equipment – as determined through inspection by a qualified person – is the primary factor in determining whether a piece of equipment is fit for service.

Manufacturers should always be the first resource. They built the equipment to required standards. They know best how to inspect the gear with their name on it. When you break out that new piece of kit and tear off that little attached book, turn that shiny piece of gear over and over in your hand. Admire the clean-cut router work and the gorgeous anodization. Then put it down and read the instructions. Every single time.

While the manufacturer’s booklets might look long, the user instructions are generally manageable and delivered in multiple languages. The few minutes reading the language section applicable to you will be invaluable. It will tell you what you can and can’t do, and it will tell you how to inspect it. How often do we get all of the information about something we buy in a small package that we can keep around? Take advantage.

Manufacturers vary in their specifications for service life of rescue equipment. Petzl specifically defines the “potential” service life of plastic or textile products to be no longer than 10 years. For metallic equipment, they state that service life is indefinite. CMC, on the other hand, does not give specified times for their hard equipment, stating “The service life of equipment used for rescue depends greatly on the type of use and the environment of use.” Because manufacturers use standards vary greatly, a definitive service life of the equipment cannot always be provided.

Although the definition of equipment lifespan is very broad depending on the manufacturer, each will provide specific instructions on proper inspection of equipment and detailed explanations on when to the retire service item.

Most manufacturers follow the same general guidelines for removing equipment from service. Several general identifiers that pertain to all equipment are shown below. 


  • Item fails to pass any pre/post use or competent person inspection.
  • Item has been subjected to a major fall or load.
  • Item is constructed of plastic or textile material and is older than 10 years.
  • You cannot determine the complete full-use history of equipment.
  • You have lost confidence in the equipment.

Most manufacturers will provide service for equipment items that are repairable. However, most caution against repair because the cost typically exceeds the cost of replacement. Any repairs attempted outside of the manufacturer’s guidance may void any warranty and will release the manufacturer from any liability or responsibility. All manufacturers recommend destroying equipment once it has been retired from service to prevent items from inadvertently being cycled back into active service.

Manufacturers also provide indicators for different types of equipment that require it to be retired from service. These not only capture the general conditions mentioned above, but also address conditions that are specific to each category of equipment. It is important to identify these specific conditions as they are vital to the dependability and functionality of each component. These are commonly categorized as harnesses, hardware and software.


Harnesses are one of the most personal components of life safety equipment. Without a certified harness in serviceable condition, the best life safety rope and hardware will do little to protect the user. All individuals who are required to wear harnesses should be trained and authorized in the inspection process. Harnesses should be inspected before, during and after use as well as once annually by an individual deemed a competent person by the facility or department.

Harnesses should be inspected before, during and after use as well as once annually by an individual deemed a competent person by the facility or department.

Since harnesses are a nylon product, they fall under the guidelines set forth by ASTM International (formerly American Society for Testing and Materials) Consensus Standard F1740-96 and have a service life of 10 years. Manufacturers also state that hard or excessive use may significantly reduce service life. It is important to conduct routine inspections as well as keep records of harness use. This “usage” history could indicate signs that would require the equipment to be retired early.

Some conditions that may tell you it’s time to retire your harness:

  • It has been more than 10 years since the manufacture date.
  • Webbing shows signs of cuts, significantly worn or frayed areas, soft or hard spots.
  • Webbing shows signs of discolored or melted fibers.
  • Stitching shows signs of pulled threads, abrasion and/or breaks.
  • Hardware shows signs of damage, sharp edges, excessive wear, or improper function.
  • If the harness has been subjected to shock loads, fall loads, or abuse.
  • If there is any doubt about the integrity of the harness.

If the harness demonstrates any of these conditions, it should be removed from service and destroyed.

Life Safety Rope, Webbing, Anchor Straps, Accessory Cord:

Software products are also nylon or textile based; and as such, they fall under the same inspection process as harnesses. A complete inspection of life safety rope and associated products includes not only a visual inspection but a tactile (or touch) inspection as well. The tactile inspection should be done with tension on the rope, webbing or strap. 

The inspector is looking to identify any of the following conditions:

  • Chafed, glazed or discolored surfaces (these areas should receive a more thorough inspection).
  • Abrasions or cuts in the sheath where the core is exposed.
  • Variation of diameter of the rope that could indicate potential damage to the core fibers.
  • Soft or hard spots that could indicate core damage or that the fibers have been over stressed.
  • If the rope has been subjected to shock loads, fall loads or abuse.
  • It has been more than 10 years since the manufacture date.

A complete inspection of life safety rope and associated products includes not only a visual inspection but a tactile (or touch) inspection as well.

If any of these conditions are noted, then the item should be retired and destroyed immediately. It is important to remember that an accurate history should be maintained for all life safety rope products. The date of manufacture should be identified and recorded as products are being put into service. Equipment inspectors or users should ensure that these products do not exceed their service life. As with harnesses, the quantity, type and conditions of use can drastically reduce the service life of these products.



Hardware such as carabiners, descent control devices, pulleys and cams are metallic and plastic. Because of these materials, they do not fall under the ASTM service life recommendation of 10 years. If these products are in serviceable condition and properly maintained, they have an infinite service life unless specifically noted by the manufacturer. Even though they do not have a dedicated service life term, it is still important to conduct the same pre/post use and annual inspections. 

Some conditions that would require the equipment to be retired from service include:

  • Gear has been dropped a significant distance.
  • Exposed to heat sufficient enough to alter the surface appearance.
  • Cracks, distortion or deep gouges.
  • Corrosion or deep pitted rust. (Note: Surface rust may be removed with a fine abrasive cloth and coated with a preservative such as LPS #1 according the manufacturer’s recommendations.)
  • Sharp edges that could cause damage to life safety rope (minor edges may be smoothed with the same process as rust removal).
  • Gate does not line up when closed.
  • Gate action does not return to closed position when opened and released.
  • Locking mechanism does not fully engage.
  • Complete history of use cannot be determined.
  • Wear indicators are worn beyond manufacturer’s recommendation.

If any of these conditions exist, the equipment should be removed from service and destroyed. Records of use and inspection should be kept on these items even though the service life of the product is infinite.

Service History:

Service History is an extremely important part of ensuring life safety equipment is properly maintained and that service life is not exceeded. Not only does this help rescue teams control inventory and operational capability of equipment by documenting each use and inspection, it also assists the teams in forecasting budget costs for the replacement of items that are nearing the end of their service life.

Maintaining records of the manufacturer’s information received when purchasing new equipment is vital to identifying and keeping track of the manufacture date. It is also important to keep this information on file for the exact procedures for inspecting and removing equipment from service.

Service history is an extremely important part of ensuring life safety equipment is properly maintained and that service life is not exceeded.

If the manufacture date of equipment, such as life safety rope and harnesses, cannot be identified; it poses extreme liability for agencies or facilities whose teams may potentially be operating with equipment that has passed its service life. It could also create a compromise in the safe operation of the equipment.

If record-keeping of equipment inspection and use is not a primary focus of an organization, it could potentially expose team members to operating with unsafe equipment due to abuse or excessive/extreme conditions that go undetected.

Gear Inspection:

All team members should be qualified and knowledgeable enough to perform pre- and post-use inspections of equipment. It is crucial that all members document each use of equipment, denote any deficiencies, and report to the proper person. One person should be designated to perform the competent person annual inspection. This person should have complete knowledge of the equipment and inspection procedures as well as the authority to keep or remove equipment from service as they see fit. If team members are unable to fill this role, a qualified third party with applicable manufacturer certifications in competent person inspection should be brought in to assist in determining the condition and estimated service life of rescue equipment.

For assistance from our Roco Rescue equipment professionals, call us at 800-647-7626.


Brad WarrBrad Warr is a Senior Chief Instructor for Roco Rescue. He joined Roco Rescue in 2003 and currently teaches a wide variety of technical rescue classes including rope rescue, confined space rescue, trench rescue, and structural collapse. He is also a member of Roco’s Contracted Safety & Rescue Teams (CSRT), providing standby rescue services for plants, refineries and other industrial facilities. Brad became a firefighter for the Nampa (ID) Fire Department in 1998 and was promoted to Captain in 2006. He retired earlier this year. His responsibilities included training the department’s Heavy & Technical Rescue Team. Before joining the fire department, Brad worked as an Emergency Response Technician for a large manufacturer in Boise, where he was responsible for OSHA compliance, emergency medical response, confined space/rope rescue response and hazardous materials response.

Additional Resources

Gear Service Life Checklist 2023

Gear Inspection Checklist (download)

Cleaning Your Rope…Here’s What the Experts Have to Say

Guidelines for Permanent Marking of Rescue Hardware


What Does NFPA Have to Say about Confined Spaces? (Part 1)

Friday, September 1, 2023

NFPA 350 Cover The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has released the 2022 edition of NFPA 350 Guide for Safe Confined Space Entry and Work. Developed through a consensus standards development process and reviewed for approval by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), NFPA standards are afforded a place of immense importance in the world of emergency response.

In the world of confined space rescue--and confined space work in general—it has been OSHA’s 1910.146 that has been most revered in the 30 years since its promulgation. But confined space rescuers and workers have long recognized that 1910.146 is a minimum-requirement standard that contains gaps along with causing some confusion in the way it handles terminology.

The newly released NFPA 350 aspires to close these gaps, simplify terminology, and provide practices workers and rescuers can follow. NFPA 350 has been careful not to conflict with 1910.146, but rather seeks to establish “best practices and how-tos for confined space entry, translating what is required in regulations into practical approaches” for everyday use.

confined spaceAs NFPA standards go, one of the first things readers will notice is it is quite comprehensive and thus a very large standard. Regardless, everyone who has any dealings with confined space work should take the time to read and digest it in its entirety. In this article we will provide a high-level overview of the standard as it relates to confined space work and rescue in light of the content with which we are familiar in 1910.146.

A primary difference of NFPA 350 from 1910.146 is how it—NFPA 350—handles terminology. The standard acknowledges that when there is confusion over terminology, that can translate into mistakes in workplace safety. And as we all know, these kinds of mistakes can translate into worker injuries and deaths. This has been the case where organizations debated as to whether they were dealing with a “permit-required confined space” or a “non-permit space” as defined in 1910.146.

The standard stresses the importance of verifying the competency of the rescue services selected. It specifically warns against assuming that all rescue services are prepared for entry-type confined space rescue.

NFPA 350 kept it simple by calling everything a “confined space” that meets 1910.146’s definition of a confined space, irrespective of the presence of atmospheric, engulfment, or internal configuration hazards.

Because NFPA 350 essentially treats every confined space in the same manner that 1910.146 treats a permit-required confined space, the default recommendation is to perform air monitoring in all confined spaces prior to entry. In light of the continued rate of fatalities in confined spaces involving bad atmospheres, we at Roco feel this requirement is well warranted.

Supporting the requirement for atmospheric monitoring, the standard also introduces new roles for confined space entry teams—Gas Tester and Ventilation Specialist. The “Ventilation Specialist” is self-explanatory, but a “Gas Tester” is a “qualified person responsible for operating a gas monitor and able to interpret results for atmospheric monitoring.” The inclusion of “able to interpret results” is a key component of the standard. Without this, testing can be ineffective at best, and deadly at worst.

lotoIn addition to these new roles, the standard also directly addresses the hazards associated with lockout/tagout (or lack thereof), and the failure to blind or isolate with the role of Isolation Specialist. An “Isolation Specialist” is the “person responsible for protecting the confined space from the unwanted release of energy (electrical, mechanical, and/or hydraulic), as well as liquids, gases, chemicals, and other materials impacting upon the space.”

Rounding out the new roles is that of Standby Worker. A “Standby Worker” is a “person assigned to perform work in support of confined space operations.” The previous roles we are all familiar with from 1910.146—Entrant, Attendant, and Entry Supervisor—continue to be included on the confined space entry team.

A unique feature of NFPA 350 is that, along with these new roles, instruction—or “how to” guidance—is included. We consider this to be a major plus for anyone involved in confined space work. The standard provides valuable information on air monitoring, including selecting, calibrating, and using air monitors to test a confined space. And it also stresses the value of ventilation by describing the various types of ventilation devices and their configurations.

qualified rescue service5While most of the standard is focused on keeping workers safe and preventing accidents, everyone is cognizant that as long as workers enter confined spaces, there will be accidents where rescue is required. The standard describes both non-entry rescue and entry-type rescue. Regardless of the method selected, the standard stresses the importance of verifying the competency of the rescue services selected. It specifically warns against assuming that all rescue services are prepared for entry-type confined space rescue.

NFPA 350 states that “[t]he degree and rapidity of response should be driven principally by the anticipated hazards.” To this end, it recognizes three levels, or tiers, of rescue response:

Tier Graphic

NFPA 350 is a very comprehensive standard and even delves into topics such as “Prevention through Design (PtD)” which seeks to prevent confined space emergencies through better design. Those with responsibilities involving confined space work or rescue are well advised to give it a read when you have the chance.

In this article, we reviewed the standard in broad strokes. In the follow up Part 2 Article, we will drill down more with a focus purely on the rescue aspect of the standard.


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The Quest for the Perfect 8

Friday, August 25, 2023

Anyone who is a fan of football, more specifically the National Football League, has heard of legendary Green Bay Packers Coach Vince Lombardi. If you are really into NFL football, you know that not only was Lombardi one of the best Head Football coaches in history, he was also a legendary wordsmith. I cannot count the times I have heard a quote that I recognized, reached for my phone to google it and found that it was attributed to Coach Lombardi. Like I said, wordsmith.

Leave it to a firefighter to think they can improve on the words of a legend. On a column of the tower at my department in Idaho, written in magic marker, are the words…

The 6 P’s


vince lombardi statueThe actual Lombardi quote is much more prophetic. “Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.”

How do we apply this to technical rescue? Rope and confined space rescues are inherently ugly. No matter how grandiose the final product may look, the process to get there is like our favorite restaurant, we may love the food, but we don’t want to see the kitchen where it gets made. The initial plan for a rescue rarely survives first contact. The better we are at adjusting our plan on the fly, the better the outcome. Perfect is not a word I would choose to describe a well-performed technical rescue. Despite that, our training regimen should include components where perfection is the expectation and the goal.

One place we can easily implement the expectation of perfection is in our knot craft. More specifically, the Figure 8 on a bight. The venerable Figure 8 on a Bight is found in every rescue curriculum, making it an easy target in our quest for targeted perfection. Embarrassingly, the perfect 8 was not a staple of my personal rescue toolbox for the start of my rescue journey. Granted, my 8’s were safe. They were recognizable, but they weren’t perfect.

As my wallet caught up with my thirst for rescue knowledge, I was able to attend more and more classes and workshops with instructors and mentors who helped shape me as rope practitioner. Delaney, Cartaya, Rush, Harbach, Wood, Evans, McCuller, Luscinski, Bradbury, Spect, O’Connell and Carlsen. If you know any of those names and have been lucky enough to train or work with them, you are truly blessed as a rescuer. While they all have varying approaches to solving problems, they also have many things in common. The most noticeable being that when they have 100% control of the circumstances, they never take short cuts…not ever. Oh, did I mention that their 8 on bights are perfect?

The venerable Figure 8 on a Bight is found in every rescue curriculum, making it an easy target in our quest for targeted perfection.

I have found as an instructor, that the perfectly tied and dressed Figure 8 on a bight is often an early indicator of a rescuer’s future success. As Lombardi said, “Watch your actions, they become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your character.” Consistency in knot craft creates positive habits that carry over to every other facet of technical rescue.

Figure 8 on a BightPerfect 8’s also have numerous benefits in the field.

Knot Security: Properly dressing the Figure 8 on a bight ensures that it is tightened and seated correctly. A well-dressed Figure 8 is less likely to slip or come undone under load, providing greater safety.

Strength and Reliability: A properly tied Figure 8 on a bight maintains its intended shape, distributing the load evenly across its structure. This enhances the knot's strength and reliability, reducing the risk of failure.

Ease of Inspection: A well-dressed Figure 8 on a bight is easier to inspect visually. A well-dressed knot allows for quick identification of any potential mistakes or mis-ties.

Untying Efficiency: Dressing the knot appropriately ensures that it is easier to untie after use. Knots that have been properly dressed are less likely to jam or become excessively tight, making it simpler to undo the knot when needed.

The benefits of a properly tied knot are well documented. What we can’t measure is the countless benefits that come from the mindset of always tying a perfect Figure 8 on a Bight. Our purpose as rescuers and practitioners of rope work is to perform high risk skill sets quickly, safely and efficiently in oftentimes unyielding circumstances. WE MUST PERFORM.

And, like the coach says, “Winning Isn’t Everything, It’s The Only Thing.”

BradNew1Brad Warr is a Senior Chief Instructor for Roco Rescue. He joined Roco Rescue in 2003 and currently teaches a wide variety of technical rescue classes including rope rescue, confined space rescue, trench rescue, and structural collapse. He is also a member of Roco’s Contracted Safety & Rescue Teams (CSRT), providing standby rescue services for plants, refineries and other industrial facilities. Brad became a firefighter for the Nampa (ID) Fire Department in 1998 and was promoted to Captain in 2006. He retired earlier this year. His responsibilities included training the department’s Heavy & Technical Rescue Team. Before joining the fire department, Brad worked as an Emergency Response Technician for a large manufacturer in Boise, where he was responsible for OSHA compliance, emergency medical response, confined space/rope rescue response and hazardous materials response.


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Heat Is On…Take Action Now!

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

heat stress_23It’s all over the safety news right now – heat stress is finally getting the recognition it deserves for the millions of employees who have to work out in the heat every day. As the heat wave continues, we’ve got to do a better job of taking care of our personnel and watching out for any signs or symptoms of heat distress. 

The July/August 2023 issue of ISHN featured an article written by our own Chris McGlynn and Chris Warrick that explores what we can do to combat this dangerous hazard. Click HERE to read the original article. 


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Mental Health Care for Rescue Professionals

Friday, August 4, 2023

Emergency responders are more likely to develop significant mental health problems than the general population. It is estimated that nearly 30% of first responders will develop depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or even suicidal ideations at some point during their lifetime [1]. Unfortunately, a pervasive stigma surrounding mental health prevents many of these dedicated individuals from seeking help when they need it the most. It’s time to break the stigma and normalize providing help for those who dedicate their lives to helping others.  

Rescue workers are exposed to harrowing scenes of devastation, suffering, and loss on a regular basis. Repeated exposure to these critical incidents can impart serious psychological scars throughout the course of even a short-lived career. Some studies suggest that emergency workers are 3 times more likely to develop mental health issues as a result of these exposures [2]. Despite this idea becoming more and more mainstream, emergency workers rarely have an opportunity to process these emotions, and worse, the culture sometimes discourages and chastises this type of vulnerability.  

mental_health2The misguided notion that seeking help is a sign of weakness or an inability to handle the job perpetuates the stigma surrounding mental health in emergency response professions. Consequently, many workers suffer from mental health issues silently, unable to admit they need assistance. This hesitancy to seek help leads to coping with unhealthy habits, placing them at high risk for developing alcohol and substance abuse issues. The reluctance to seek help, combined with these risk factors, can lead to severe and sometimes fatal outcomes.

The importance of mental health support for rescue workers has never been clearer. Just as they are equipped with the physical tools to perform their duties, rescue workers should be provided with adequate mental health resources which are crucial in safeguarding their emotional wellbeing and overall performance. Early intervention is key, and recognizing signs of mental distress, such as changes in behavior, increased irritability, emotional exhaustion, and social withdrawal, can make a significant difference.

It’s time to break the stigma and normalize providing help for those who dedicate their lives to helping others.  

While therapy and counseling are often used as reactive measures, there is a need for proactive programs on the front end. Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) teams are becoming a staple in emergency response agencies. These individuals proactively combat the mental health endemic by helping clinicians deal with stress at its inception. By fostering a culture where seeing help is encouraged and normalized, we can empower emergency response workers to take care of their mental health without fear of judgment. 

mental_health1As emergency responders, we are an integral part of ensuring the safety and health of those in our workplace and communities. While performing this job requires incredible amounts of dedication, courage, and resilience, we must also remember that we are not invincible. By advocating for the normalization of seeking help, we can better support the emotional well-being of rescue professionals and enable them to perform at their best while facing the challenges of their noble profession.

[1] https://www.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/dtac/supplementalresearchbulletin-firstresponders-may2018.pdf

[2] https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/733519


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RescueTalk™ (RocoRescue.com) has been created as a free resource for sharing insightful information, news, views and commentary for our students and others who are interested in technical rope rescue. Therefore, we make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, or suitability of any information and are not liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis. Users and readers are 100% responsible for their own actions in every situation. Information presented on this website in no way replaces proper training!