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Albuquerque Fire: Real Rescue from Scaffolding

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

AFD LogoDowntown Albuquerque, New Mexico, is undergoing a facelift. Revitalization of older buildings is seen everywhere. In late 2024, First Responders waded into the middle of this revitalization to intervene in the emotional breakdown of a man. While that itself is not uncommon in Albuquerque or any other large city, the fact that it was 100 feet off the ground on a less-than-stable scaffolding made it a challenging and unique response for Albuquerque Fire Rescue (AFR).

Most first responders are intimately familiar with the law enforcement acronym “EDP.” Whether you live in a small town or a large urban center, EDP or Emotionally Disturbed Persons have become an all-too-common response for many of these agencies. Mental illness, substance abuse and other factors makes for challenging calls for responders as well as for the person struggling with these conditions.

"Whether you live in a small town or a large urban center, EDP or Emotionally Disturbed Persons have become an all-too-common response for many of these agencies."

Albuquerque Fire Rescue (AFR) is a well-trained and progressive fire department. Their Technical Rescue Program has a national reputation of being forward-thinking and very well trained. On this night, their training would prove invaluable in the field.

Near dusk, bystanders reported a man climbing a tall scaffold erected by a construction company to re-stucco a building. Albuquerque Police immediately requested AFR to assist with a Ladder Truck to make access. AFR Ladder 1 and Engine 1 went enroute and immediately requested assistance from the Technical Rescue Team. Squad 2, ALS Rescue 4, Engine 4, Battalion Chief #1 and the on-shift EMS supervisor (Unit 78), responded to assist.

AFR Ladder PicSquad 2 is AFR’s technical rescue rig. This night it was commanded by Captain Dominic Velasquez, who is also a Roco Rescue Chief Instructor. Squad 2 arrived to find Battalion Chief 1 (Emily Kane) and Ladder 1 had already flown their stick and the pipeman (firefighter) who had climbed the ladder had located a man lying unconscious 100 feet up on the scaffold.

Captain Velasquez received direction from Battalion 1 to make access and assess the patient. Velasquez met with the team, informed the two Squad Firefighters that they would be going up and instructed them to grab the gear. The squad driver, the crew from Engine 4, which is led by Lieutenant Kevin Kenney, and two firefighter medics from Rescue 4, remained on the ground and waited for further instructions.

Captain Velasquez and two firefighters ascended to the patient’s location. They found a mid-40’s male, unconscious with an empty bottle of hard liquor lying next to him. They began patient care, and the man woke up – however, he was not happy. The man became combative on the small deck, which was comprised of three 2” x 10” planks with approximately 18” between the scaffold and the building. The danger to both responders and the combative man was heightened considerably.

"Responders repeatedly attempted to verbally deescalate the man but eventually were forced to physically restrain him to protect themselves and to keep the victim from falling."

Responders repeatedly attempted to verbally deescalate the man but eventually were forced to physically restrain him to protect themselves and to keep the victim from falling. The situation was relayed to command, and it was determined that chemical restraint was needed. A technician/Firefighter/Paramedic from Rescue 4 (Lt. Kyle Stevenson) ascended the scaffold with the authorization to administer a sedative. Once the medication was onboard, responders were able to take a deep breath and finalize a plan to lower the man from the scaffolding.

_DSC0126AFR Tech Rescue member and Lieutenant Kevin Kenney (also a Roco Instructor) ran the bottom plan of the rescue, while Captain Velasquez worked the plan up top. A pre-rigged stokes basket was hoisted to the scaffolding deck. Personnel rigged a traditional mainline using a Petzl Maestro and anchored a Petzl ASAP to provide a belay system. There were powerlines obstructing the preferred travel path for a horizontal Stokes basket, so Captain Velasquez made the call to package the patient vertically and performed a low-point vertical lower from the end of the scaffolding.

Rigging two load-sharing anchors to take advantage of the strongest rigging points on the small scaffold deck, the victim was loaded over the edge and carefully transitioned behind the power lines to responders on the ground. The patient was quickly loaded onto a gurney – and in less than 90 minutes after the call was received, the victim was on his way to the hospital.

"Roco congratulates Albuquerque Fire Rescue on a successful rescue response in a very challenging situation."

Roco congratulates Albuquerque Fire Rescue on a successful rescue response in a very challenging situation. We are proud of our partnership with the AFR and commend them for their dedication to maintaining an excellent technical rescue response team. Roco will be presenting the department with the Roco Rescue “Real Rescue” Award in addition to $150 in “Bayou Bucks,” which can be used for Roco training or equipment. Congrats, AFR!RocoBuck Both Sides Old School Bank note-2


On Land or Offshore Rescue: What's the Difference?

Monday, March 3, 2025

At first you might think there’s not much difference in offshore rescue vs. on-land rescue, and there’s not that much difference in the rope rescue techniques and equipment used. But keep in mind what the “offshore” Rescue Technician may face when on the job. While offshore installations often feature similar structures and platforms to those on land, these emergency responders have a mymarid of other challenges. Yes, the fundamentals of rescue and equipment remain fairly consistent. However, the offshore environment introduces some interesting hurdles worth addressing.

Being on an “Island”

04-OffshoreFor one example, offshore rescue personnel must operate in isolation – like on an island to themselves! These platforms can literally be located hundreds of miles offshore. Unlike on land, where backup professional responders and medical personnel can often arrive within an hour, offshore responders are the sole line of defense. Day and night shift personnel may support each other in emergencies – even though “rescue” is not their only job on the rig. However, the absence of immediate external backup places all responsibility on the onsite team.

"Offshore teams must train rigorously, preparing for “what if” scenarios to ensure they can handle unexpected complications."

This isolation underscores the importance of contingency planning and advanced action plans. Of course, safety and emergency response personnel do everything possible to keep an incident from occurring. However, offshore teams must train rigorously, preparing for “what if” scenarios to ensure they can handle unexpected complications. The training must include contingency exercises, focusing on identifying potential pitfalls and ensuring that the team can adapt when things go wrong.

Regulations and Operating Guidelines

Regulations differ for offshore facilities as compared to onshore work. OSHA regulations may or may not apply depending on the physical location of the platform. There is a reference chart on this at OSHA.gov. There are also other regulatory agencies that affect offshore work, such as the U.S. Coast Guard, API (American Petroleum Institute), BSEE (Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement), etc. As always, emergency responders need to make sure they are knowledgeable and in adherence with all applicable safety regulations.

Rescue Equipment

While the rescue gear may be pretty much the same, an offshore team must make sure they have the equipment they need in ample supplies for backup needs and replacements. However, perhaps an even bigger consideration is equipment care and storage. The sea air can quickly affect your equipment. Much of the gear used in rescue, such as carabiners, webbings, and ropes, is susceptible to moisture and salt. Prolonged exposure can lead to corrosion and material degradation. Proper storage is critical to protect equipment from the elements. Ensuring your gear is stored in sealed, controlled environments can extend its lifespan and reliability in emergency scenarios.

shutterstock_49161082Getting Patients to Definitive Care

Unlike on land, where an ambulance is just a phone call away, offshore platforms require prearranged logistics for medical evacuations. Typically, companies operating these installations have agreements with air ambulance services. In emergencies, paramedics on the platform, often working under expanded scopes of practice with direct lines to medical directors, provide initial care. They may handle tasks like sutures or administering IV antibiotics to prevent unnecessary evacuations.

"Offshore responders must train to stabilize patients effectively – understanding that definitive care may be hours (or even days) away in extreme cases."

For life-threatening emergencies, these prearranged air ambulance agreements ensure a more timely transport. Without them, delays in care could mean the difference between life and death. Offshore responders must train to stabilize patients effectively – understanding that definitive care may be hours (or even days) away in extreme cases.

Using Cranes for Patient Movement

Here’s another difference for offshore operations. Cranes play a unique role and are often used to transport patients between platform levels or to staging areas for air ambulance transfer. Regulations dictate that cranes should only be used when it is the safest option, not for convenience.

"Regulations dictate that cranes should only be used when it is the safest option, not for convenience."

Three critical rules apply:
  • shutterstock_561615160 (1)-1No blind lifts: Operators must maintain clear visibility at all times.
  • Use taglines: These allow personnel to maintain control over the load.
  • OIM approval: The Offshore Installation Manager (OIM) makes the final decision, ensuring that crane use prioritizes patient safety.

The decision to use a crane is based on the situation’s logistics, such as avoiding prolonged manual transport that could worsen a patient’s condition or concerns for lifts with fatigued rescuers.

Same Techniques, Different Logistics

While you might not find an “offshore-specific” rescue technique in the books, standard rope rescue techniques generally apply in both settings. Rescue fundamentals don’t change; gravity and friction remain constant. However, the logistics of moving people from a hazardous location to a safe one—from a place where they can’t get care to one where they can—differ significantly offshore. Challenges like equipment storage, patient care logistics, and crane use highlight the need for tailored planning and preparation.

To operate efficiently offshore, teams must proactively address these nuances. Similarly, they must train like all professional rescuers, plan for contingencies, and build relationships with medical evacuation services. Ultimately, this preparation ensures that when an emergency arises, the team can operate safely and effectively.

Key Points

  • Training for Isolation: Offshore teams must train extensively for contingencies due to the lack of immediate external backup.
  • Patient Logistics: Offshore platforms require prearranged air ambulance agreements.
  • Equipment Maintenance: Sea air accelerates corrosion; proper storage is essential.
  • Cranes in Rescue: Cranes are used only when safer than manual transport, under strict regulations.

Get the Most from Your Rescue Training Sessions

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

IMG_6570Whether in-house practice drills or working with a third-party trainer, training time is precious. Make sure yours is productive! Here are a few suggestions for getting the most from your training sessions. As always, be sure to document rescue training or practice time for each team member.

Inspection – Inspect and inventory all rescue equipment prior to the training session, if possible. Any equipment that has been damaged, or its history of use is questionable, should be replaced. Any equipment that has exceeded the manufacturer's lifespan recommendations should also be destroyed and replaced.

Fitness – Confirm that all team members are cleared for participation in the physically strenuous activities that are involved in rescue training. Team members should be briefed in advance on the types of physical activities that will be expected of them (i.e., lifting, stretching, pulling, wearing a harness, being suspended in a harness or litter, inverting, etc.)

Participation – Stress the importance of each person being actively involved in the training exercises. Each team member must be committed to the team’s mission – and on-going training is a vital component.

Focused Training – Strive for uninterrupted training time for your rescue personnel. Clear all nonessential activities that would cause participants to miss portions of the training.

IMG_6595Location – Generally, off-site training sessions offer more focused time for the team to practice and concentrate on the task at hand. When possible, schedule the training away from normal work activities and the noise of an operating plant or area.

Regular Training – Training sessions should be regular and on-going as a part of the team’s development and operational readiness. Plan training sessions in advance giving team members adequate time to plan their attendance.

Realistic Practice – For training to be most effective, it needs to reflect realistic rescue scenarios that the team may face in an emergency. Practice scenarios should be well-planned and adequately cover the various types of emergencies on site.

Motivation – A well-trained team will be a motivated team. Express appreciation for the team members’ participation and provide encouragement when needed. Some team members will require more hands-on training and practice than others. See that they get the time and attention they need to be productive members of your team.

Readiness – Team members, their individual equipment, and team equipment must be maintained in a state of readiness. Prior to ending each practice session, make sure all equipment is ready for the next emergency call. Equipment that is organized and ready for rapid deployment is crucial to your rescue success.

IMG_5355Team Leader Planning and executing an organized, effective rescue practice session is an excellent means of establishing team leadership and credibility. Getting to know your rescue team members as they get to know you and your leadership style will prove invaluable when the rescue call comes in.


OSHA Note: PRCS 1910.146 requires rescue training practice for EACH team member at least annually in the representative type confined spaces and rescue scenarios (high angle) that the team may face within their response area.

Planning Resource: Roco’s Confined Space Type Chart & Compliance Guide provides an excellent means of typing confined spaces and planning rescue practice scenarios. It also provides a guide for evaluating the capabilities of your rescue team or service. 

Bridging the Gap Between Industry and Emergency Services: A Blueprint for Safer Communities

Thursday, January 16, 2025

INdustry and Munic-1For industrial facilities grappling with compliance gaps, limited rescue resources, or the need for specialized training, the solution might be closer than you think. Similarly, for municipal fire departments considering partnerships with industrial sites, the opportunities for growth and enhanced community safety are profound. Relationships like these already exist, and they work.

Take the Pittsboro (IN) Fire Department (PFD) and Steel Dynamics Incorporated (SDI) as an example. Over a decade ago, SDI approached PFD with a straightforward request: to serve as their confined space rescue service. What followed was the start of a collaboration that not only made SDI’s facility safer but also equipped PFD with skills and resources that continue to benefit the entire Pittsboro community.

"For industrial facilities grappling with compliance gaps, limited rescue resources, or the need for specialized training, the solution might be closer than you think."

When an industrial facility partners with a fire department, the advantages go both ways. For the facility, there’s access to professional rescuers who bring a level of expertise and readiness that is hard to match. Training exercises, site tours, and joint planning sessions ensure the team is prepared for emergencies specific to the plant. For example, at SDI, PFD responders have access to the site for training events, giving them valuable familiarity with its unique hazards. This preparation paid off during a recent incident, where PFD’s air monitoring equipment—purchased with SDI’s support—was critical in managing the situation.

On the fire department side, the benefits go beyond the walls of the industrial facility. Financial support from SDI allowed PFD to expand its technical rescue capabilities, benefiting the entire community. Training in confined space and high-angle rescue doesn’t just help on-site; these skills are invaluable when responding to emergencies across the coverage area, whether it’s a vehicle accident or a complex urban rescue.

"Financial support from SDI allowed PFD to expand its technical rescue capabilities, benefiting the entire community."

These crossover skills, developed through industrial partnerships, can transform a department’s overall rescue capability. As PFD Assistant Chief noted, “The relationship with SDI has made us a better resource for the town of Pittsboro and made SDI a safer place to work.” Collaboration strengthens community safety while addressing the specific needs of the facility.

For industrial leaders, the key is to take the first step. Reach out to your local fire departments and start the conversation. Many departments are enthusiastic about these opportunities, recognizing the chance to enhance their training and equipment resources. By identifying your facility’s specific risks—such as confined spaces, high-angle work, or hazardous materials—you can help responders be better prepared for emergencies that may occur.

Similarly, for fire departments, it’s worth taking the meeting. While there may be initial skepticism about partnering with private industry, these relationships often lead to invaluable investments in training and equipment. And these investments don’t stop at the plant gate; they benefit every call the department runs, from structure fires to search-and-rescue operations.

Ultimately, these partnerships break down silos between municipal response teams and industrial sites. They encourage communication, proactive planning, and mutual respect. When incidents happen—and they will—these relationships ensure that responders are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and resources to manage them effectively.

In the end, everyone wins: the industrial facility, the fire department, and, most importantly, the community. If you’re an industrial leader or a fire chief wondering if this kind of collaboration is worth it, the answer is clear. Take the first step. Reach out, take the meeting, and see what’s possible. The safety of your workplace, your responders, and your community could depend on it.

Learn More

Roco’s Confined Space Types Chart & Compliance Guide

Rescue Plans...What is Required?

Fall Protection Planning - Lives are on the Line

Elevate Your Rescue Skills with Roco's NEW Scaffold Rescue Course

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Scaffolding is used everywhere. And now it’s at the Roco Training Center in Baton Rouge in the form of a new scaffolding rescue prop.

Scaffold Pic

You walk onto almost any industrial site in the U.S. and you’ll see scaffolding throughout the site. It is an essential tool for maintenance, construction, and inspections. The prevalence of scaffolding in industry begs the question, “What happens when something goes wrong?” Is a scaffold rescue the same as one from a permanent working deck? That is the focus of Roco Rescue’s new two-day "Rescue from Scaffolding" course. Held at the renowned Roco Training Center (RTC) in Baton Rouge, LA, this course is designed to tackle the unique challenges of scaffold rescue.

Scaffolds introduce a set of specific hurdles during rescue operations. Their structural stability can be unpredictable; scaffolds flex and shift under load, and improper anchoring can create unbalanced forces that threaten the entire setup. Anchor points aren’t always straightforward. Components like double ledgers, single ledgers, rosettes, and crossbars have varying load-bearing capacities, and knowing how to use them correctly is essential to a safe operation. Without proper training, even a well-intentioned rescue effort can produce unforeseen problems.

Train on a Purpose-Built Scaffold Prop

Our brand-new, three-story scaffold prop, permanently installed at the Roco Training Center, is a state-of-the-art structure built to replicate real-world scaffold rescue scenarios in a controlled and safe environment.

Scaffold classes at the RTC will focus on:

  • Evaluating scaffold stability when performing rescues.
  • Identifying and utilizing proper anchor points.
  • Packaging and lowering patients to the ground safely and efficiently, using systems tailored to the scaffolding environment.

Whether you’re new to rescue or a seasoned professional, this course has you covered. Beginners will leave with a toolkit of skills and confidence. Experienced rescuers can refine their techniques and better prepare for the challenges scaffolding can bring.

Already Part of the Roco Family? Let’s Customize Your Training

For teams already working with Roco, the Roco Training Centers’ new scaffold prop offers an exciting way to expand your training. From team evaluations, specialized practice sessions, or integrating scaffold-specific scenarios into your program, this isn’t just a class—it’s a resource for ensuring your team is always ready.

Sign Up Today

Don’t wait until an emergency strikes to find out if you’re prepared. Check out Roco Rescue’s "Rescue from Scaffolding" course today and equip yourself with the expertise to handle even the most challenging situations. Visit our website or give us a call to learn more and reserve your spot.

Read the Full Course Description Here

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RescueTalk™ (RocoRescue.com) has been created as a free resource for sharing insightful information, news, views and commentary for our students and others who are interested in technical rope rescue. Therefore, we make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, or suitability of any information and are not liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis. Users and readers are 100% responsible for their own actions in every situation. Information presented on this website in no way replaces proper training!