BP Rescue Team trains in Baton Rouge
The rescue team from the BP deep water oil platform Nakika trained last week at the Roco Training Center in Baton Rouge. Pictured below is the team with Roco Instructors Russ Kellar and Keith Pridgen and Roco President/CEO Kay Goodwyn. The Nakika is only 8 miles from the Deepwater Horizon, the site of the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Because of its proximity, the Nakika was used as a triage point for injured workers from the Deepwater Horizon. There’s no doubt, these emergency responders have been personally touched by this disaster.
The team has been together for about four years and were eager to talk about how dedicated they are to safety on their rig. In fact, the Nakika boasts a 2,500-day stretch without an incident or injury.
They also say they love the Roco Blog – thanks, guys, and safe travels back home!